wishing for a space of my own...

so i just posted that i was hoping to take over some space in my kids' playroom. Secretly i look at the HUGE corner in my bedroom, the one i didn't know what to do with, the one i decided should be a cozy little nook for me, the one my DH said i could have...and the one i foolishly decided that i didn't want to put a desk in because i didn't want all that STUFF in our bedroom to kill the romance and ambiance! shaaaaaa! Who really has that when they have young kids, or any kids at all, at home? Well, my DH gave me $1000 to buy myself a chaise lounge. Generous i think. Well we found this one and got it for $400. This was, hmmm a year and a half ago, and i am not really sure what i did with the rest of the money....rolls eyes...i know, i know! I spent a lONG time looking for a lamp to go in the corner behind the chaise. But it needed to have a on/off switch at the top, not the bottom, and it needed to hang over the chaise, not shine up...and it needed to not be modern...an...