Romans 8:26

Photo a Day May 2 wow. the hits keep coming. It seems like everyday now I hear of one more friend who is having issues in their life. Some are medical, some are relational, some need a job, some are mental, some are financial. Everywhere I look it seems like people have HUGE mountains to climb. It makes me want to go to bed and cover my head. It makes me want to go into the woods and pray. That reminds me that God's got this. No matter how bad, how crazy, how out of control this world seems; God is still God. Author of Everything, and every mystery.... Reveal yourself to me! You calmed the raging Sea and carved the Canyons deep; Now come and live in me! We Stand in Awe! Creator God! Lord of the Universe, Sovereign of all the Earth! Worshiping at your feet. Power and Majesty. We stand in awe of who you are Creator God! We bow our hearts before you now Lord Most High! When I don't know why to pray, which is o...