
Showing posts from February, 2009

the 14th day of LOVE!

well here I am...struggling to catch up. Day 14!!! This is a necklace that my DH gave me for VD. I have a few more pages done, but I just haven't had to mojo to get them finished up and photographed. I am going away this weekend with my girlfriends, hopefully that will refresh me enough to finish up this project. I know i will have some other fun things to show you. Things that i have been working on for girls weekend and things that the Duchess and i have been working on like mad women. I so need this break. Last year was so much fun. so this is not the most flattering picture of any of us...but it is the only one i have with all of us in it. Last year we went to the beach, this year its the mountains...and shopping! and relaxing! I have to start making piles of things to pack or I'll never have it all together. We are leaving Thursday night. Is it Thursday yet? It also occurred to me that Wednesday is Ash Wednesday. I've got to think about that and get my mind prepared...

the 13th day of LOVE!

ok this really is day 13...even though it has a HUGE 14 at the bottom. this is an acetate page and the "13" is the two circular stickers at the top right. sigh. Oh well. Click on the picture to enlarge it and see just how freaky we are in this house. xoxo Cyndi

the 12th day of love

ok guys sorry i have been such a blog slacker. It seems real life has gotten in the way but i'll try and make it up to you. Here is day 12 in my days of love...more days to come soon i promise. here's a little hint of what has been keeping me so preperation for Girls' weekend next week!

lost in loveland

well, i have tried, really i have, to catch up on my Days of love...alas i am still behind. I did want to share with you the book/card i made for my DH for V day though. I was really very proud of it and pleased with how it turned out. I used some chipboard coasters that i had picked up in a $1 bin somewhere and decoupaged them with photos and brown paper bag scraps. (if the coasters are glossy...sand them a bit first) I used various things for embellishments...whatever i had laying around that seemed like it would work.

the 11th day of LOVE!!

and on the 11th day of love...i love my "valentine's day" shirt! Seriously trying to catch up here people!!!

the 8th, 9th and 10th days of LOVE!

so here i am playing catch up! Day 8...i love my church! Day 9..i love the rain! Day 10..i love my kids' friends!


ok so i am sorry that I have gotten behind on my days of love....but i have been sick sooooooooooo get over it! lol (all 4 of you). okie, i am hoping to get caught up over the weekend..since it is the weekend of LOVE!! xoxoox cyndi

the 7th Day of LOVE!

On the 7th day of love....i am loving flowers. Simple, beautiful, fragrant.

the 6th Day of LOVE!!

and here we are right on time with the 6th day of love. Today i have decided to showcase that wonderful Daddy/daughter love. DD is totally a Daddy's girl 100%. Not only that, but he adores her just as much.

the 5th day of LOVE!

OK i know you all have been waiting on pins and needles for day 5! here it is! tah dah! Day five is my love of crafting. If you click on the image you can see it larger!

a delay in the 5th day of love

So i am super slammed busy today working on something for VD so i have taken photos of things i LOVE but haven't had time to do my pages yet. So to keep you occupied while i catch up i want to show you something i have been working on... I found some Christmas napkins on clearance for 25 cents each...and i needed red fabric! So of course i bought them. I am making these little draw string bags... the simple kind? oh no! the kind with a round bottom in them of course!!! here you can sorta see the bottom. here is a detail of the drawstring...satin ribbon. and at the ends of the ribbon... these beads! very cool. You'll see it all come together soon enough.

the 4th day of love!

running short on time today..but here it is day four...FABRIC!!! the journaling for today is on the back of that post card! I used fabric scraps to decorate the page...i kinds like it!

the 3rd Day of LOVE!!

OK so laugh at me if you must...but i LOVE my COKE ZERO! some people have their morning coffee, i have my soda! That is my caffiene kick. It is so much better than diet coke, which use to be my drink of choice. I don't even want to know how they make it or what chemicals are in it! Just gimmie it! The photo is not attached to the page, it is just hole punched and in like a page, the page is transparency with vellum behind it which has the journaling on it.

the 2nd Day of love!!!

Sorry for the bad photograph...but its rainy so there isn't any sunlight, this is the best i can do! here is my page for Day two! MY DH!! yay!

the 1st Day of LOVE!!!

Welcome to my first day of love! Like i said before i am making a book this month..28 days of love! here is the cover. The journaling for Day one is inside that envelope...flip the envie out of the way and you can see the pictures for day one: My kids of course! How do you start a book about things you love and NOT put your kids right at the very front??? You can't. I am not even going to TRY and attempt to tell you what products i've used because honestly i have things from so many places that i just have no idea! Join the fun and post things you love for the next 28 days!