the 14th day of LOVE!

well here I am...struggling to catch up. Day 14!!! This is a necklace that my DH gave me for VD. I have a few more pages done, but I just haven't had to mojo to get them finished up and photographed. I am going away this weekend with my girlfriends, hopefully that will refresh me enough to finish up this project. I know i will have some other fun things to show you. Things that i have been working on for girls weekend and things that the Duchess and i have been working on like mad women. I so need this break. Last year was so much fun. so this is not the most flattering picture of any of us...but it is the only one i have with all of us in it. Last year we went to the beach, this year its the mountains...and shopping! and relaxing! I have to start making piles of things to pack or I'll never have it all together. We are leaving Thursday night. Is it Thursday yet? It also occurred to me that Wednesday is Ash Wednesday. I've got to think about that and get my mind prepared...