Really? pass me a tissue!

So, I think i have talked about it here, maybe not. I can't remember anymore. I am too lazy to look back and see right now. I started a while back, hmmmmm maybe a year ago? I felt like i needed to get off my crazy meds. My dose was low, lower than the "recommended" dosage. I had been on them for years!!!! and i just felt like it was time. I have a sweet, kind, amazing friend who is going through similar things and we talk about our depression, our kids and our faith. When I told her i wanted off my meds she said, "I know what you mean about having chemicals in your body, like in some ways it might make you feel better, but you don't feel like yourself and then some of the side effects really suck." That made me think. a lot. I had not seen life without the numbing grey of my antidepressants in over a decade. Who was I without the meds? What was life really like? could I handle it? would i literally fall apart?? Could i survive the withdrawal? sigh....