16 things

I have seen a lot of these around...so i figured i would jump on the 16 things bandwagon! Here you have it...16 things that are going on or true right now!
  1. My DD has been sick off and on since January 5. Can't get her well. Pray for her, we are all worn our and crazy at this point and momma, that's me, is about to ring some Dr.'s neck if she doesn't get better soon!
  2. I am so excited to be going away with my girlfriends for a weekend away in the Smokey Mountains next month. I have been working on things for that weekend and we have FINALLY set a date!
  3. VD is coming up and i have no idea what to get or do for my DH. He is the most amazing man in the world and a box of chocolate just doesn't express that very well. ideas anyone?
  4. i am going FINALLY today to get my hair re dyed! yippee! the lovely blue has faded out to a weird combo of teal, a silverish blue and i have even found a few purple places in there. I have a good half inch or more of roots and well...its way past time to get it done. I am WAY happy about this.
  5. my house is a wreck and i just cannot get motivated to clean it up. Seriously this is so not like me. I won't say i am a clean freak, but it is typically picked up...there are piles of things everywhere! (the worst part, my mom is coming to watch DD so i can get my hair done...frantically trying to straighten a bit before she arrives!)
  6. I am trying to make better choices about my eating. I am taking a class that deals with my specific eating disorder, there i said it out loud, emotional eating. I have managed to lose three pounds..check out my tracker top right..without even trying. Just being smarter.
  7. Our winter weather is crazy. last week we were in the teens, today we are almost at 70...no wonder i have a sinus headache!
  8. i found these photo calenders at Michael's in the $1 section. just 5x7 calenders with a place for a photo each month. i got one for each of my kids, and i am writing down what they do each day in them and i will add a photo from each month throughout the year and then save them in "their box" o'stuff so they will know what their life was like in 2009. I have one from 2005 (i think) already in their boxes....its fun to go back and look!
  9. I have a thing for shoes and feet. Not like i am attracted to feet...just taking pictures of them. Yet i don't think i Ever took photos of either of my kids' baby feet...what's up with that? I've been shooting my feet almost everyday...not sure why. Just seemed fun!
  10. I am trying desperately to plan with my BFF a 10 yr anniversary trip for me and hub and her and her-hub...and i am finding out travel agents are not the brightest stars in the sky. I don't want to book myself because i am afraid of getting to some foreign country and realizing that the hotel....stinks!
  11. I am also realizing in small ways that all the therapy i have gone through in 2008 is actually starting to pay off. I realize in little tiny ways that i am in fact putting to use some of the things that i learned and some of the things i have known all along.
  12. I am so behind in my scrapbooking that i actually have random panic attacks about it when i think i have lost or am missing something.
  13. I am super excited about my 28 days of love that is coming up in Feb. I hope i manage to do it and don't loose sight half way through.
  14. If i wait too long to eat...i get really crabby, will eat anything in sight and cram food down my throat as if i may never eat again.
  15. I have decided that 16 may be too many things for me to come up with. What does that say about me?
  16. last one....i need to go clean the bathrooms...this is true most all the time!


MamaDrama77 said…
I just spent fifty dollars at HobLob on scrapbooking stuff. Trying to stay motivated. You know what the best tip anyone gave me was, regarding scrapbooking panic attacks? Just start small. Choose ONE event, like a birthday party or a first tooth or something, then gather everything for that. I just did six pages on Connor's birth (I'll blog about those when I get them scanned)and shopped today for Mia's birth page supplies. You can do it! Take it one page at a time.
cyndi said…
oh its not what i have to do that is the problem really...its the fear of losing something important before i can scrap it! YIKES! now that my pics are digital at least i dont have to worry about them, i only print them when i need them!
MamaDrama77 said…
I hear that. I think I'd be far less cavalier about snapping photos if I thought I'd have to stash them someplace physical. No wonder our parents took so few photos of us.

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