Time keeps on slippin' into the future

I have been getting ready to start scrapbooking our Disney trip from October. My BFF is going back in May and i must say it has us all longing to go back. I just had to share these images from EPCOT because they are so funny! You can have your images emailed to you at home and luckily i did and i also saved them so now i have these great photos for our scrapbook. other than that, life has been rollin' along. DS has started taking violin lessons and DD has been sick and not feeling well since December. She missed last week at school, she's not really sick, but not feeling well either. I have been in a serious funk myself. I don't even know what it is. I was/am going to therapy and that was helping, but i've sort of fallen into a slump and quit "working it" so to speak. I don't know what's wrong, but i wish it would go away!