catching you up...

so i have several things to post. the Hula invites from yesterday was one of them. this is another. duh. don't you love when i state the obvious? well, the Duchess has a baby and i said to her...hey save the baby food jars..we can do something with them! well here is what i have done. i spray painted the lids, only to find out that the "use by" date came glowing through the paint! so i popped out some circles and deco pauged some nifty lids that cover up the dates! how smart. lol.

I am using the for storing all sorts of things from glitter to tags to to sequins to extra blades for the paper cutter. I just don't have a nifty way to store the jars. I have very limited space to store my crafting supplies so they are just tossed in the closet. boo! they do make me smile though when i take them out and look at them.

another project i have been working on was making a couple of pennant know like at car lots? For my DD clown Bday party. this is a pretty poor photograph, i will be sure to post some once i hang it in all its glory on the big day. The big one is maybe 20 feet and i also made a smaller one that is about 8 feet or so. Finally a use for some of the material i have been collecting and saving since the purse madness of a few years ago! The Duchess kindly reminded me that we need to be making purses to use up the supplies we have...sigh. i am just not in the mood for that. i want to make new things!


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