Father's Day Cards

So here are my not so cute, but very punny Father's Day cards! the one above says...." for a dad who....stands out from the herd" and the one below says...." a dad like no udder" and on the inside it says "and that's no bull" ok, so i crack myself up.
The DP i used here is part of a painting my DS did in school this year. he said it was ok to cut it up to use for these very special cards. I am pretty limited in the realm of "manly" stamps and my men do not fish or golf or boat or any of those things that a lot of people typically use for "man" cards. I went with cows!
this layout is Beate's weekend sketch #50...i am not sure i did justice to her sketch..but that was my starting point!

This picture i just had to share because it is so cool! this is my DS at the ASO last weekend with one of those glow sticks! isn't it cool?
Well, we are off the the gulf coast tomorrow for a week! i will have a lot of blog hopping to do when i get back to see what you all have been up to! have a great week!



Unknown said…
This Glo stick photo ROCKS, love it!

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