Bunny Hut

Back at Christmas we let the kids make Gingerbread houses and they had so much fun with it that i just couldn't resist when i saw this kit at Wal-Mart. My DD, who is the one much more interested in cooking and crafts, assured me that she and our DS could share, but that they could decorate it "anyway we want." Her subtle way of saying, "you have to back off Mom and let US do it!"
The day finally came and i was going to assemble the house prior to decorating, as the instructions direct. Let me just say that all those little doors and windows sure would be easier to decorate on a flat cookie rather than on the plane of a house, but whatever.

As i am taking out the cookie parts, i realize that my roofs are cracked!!!! deep breath. No worries, a little "glue" will fix that.
Then the peak of one of the side walls cracks, but i finally got the thing standing and all we had to do was wait a bit for it to dry......

It DOES come with this groovy little stand for you to build it in...so cool!

The kids went to town decorating. My DS was mostly interested in doing his half of the roof and then just telling me what to do on the front.

Our DD did her bunny, they each did one, and her half of the roof and then announced that the "other front" was hers to do as she wished!

Here is the finished product. I dyed some coconut green for grass. His bunny is on the left, hers on the right. This is "his side" of the roof. I did the cutie little things along the top *grin*

DS decorated this window all by himself....

This is the "other front" also known as the back, that our DD did as well as her half of the roof. We had some problems with some of the "tiles" sliding, but they all managed to hang on!

And finally this is her window. she was running out of candies so she just improvised. We are taking it to our Easter celebration today, Yes, we are a week early, and all the kids can eat on it.
Hope you are all enjoying this Spring time and preparing for Easter.


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