so this is my very first attempt at digital scrapbooking. i got this template from a link on Shimelle's blog and had to have my DH decode i could figure out how it works. so i just messed around with some pics i had taken of my blue hair. I think it deserves commemoration don't you? I think you could do all kinds of really cool things with this template...i like the idea of it all being one theme. In fact, i have contemplated doing it all with one photograph and seeing how i can make it all look different by the way i place it in the "boxes". Anyway..wanted to share with you because i am so stinkin' excited to be able to try this out!


MamaDrama77 said…
you're kickin' some respectable cleavage in one of those shots. Rock on, Mama.
cyndi said…
you crack me up...who else would notice, let alone comment on my cleavage?!?! ok maybe Steve..but he never comments!


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