It's begining to look a lot like Christmas....

so i did it. Showed the web page to the hub and he said, "how can you NOT do this? It's writing, and photography and scrappin' all things you love! Sign up and merry Christmas!"

so i did!

I will be officially taking the Journal your Christmas online class starting Dec 1st. This is my very first online class ever! I have to say i am excited. I have already started getting emails since i signed up last night welcoming me and letting me know how things are going to happen. There is a forum if participants want to join in on the group atmosphere of that. I got a file on how to prepare for the class today, and we all know i am an over achiever so i will certainly want to be ready on Dec. 1 st for the BIG first day of class!
I am so excited, my scrapbooking and memory preserving has fallen way behind lately and i do love Christmas, so i am hoping this will be just the kick start I need to get those creative juices flowing again! Wish me luck!



Guinevere said…
Welcome aboard Cyndi1 My third year of this class and its my all time favourite! I love Christmas! Enjoy!!
Juliann in WA said…
You are going to love this class. Even if you don't get a page made every day, it the prompts and ideas are wonderful and you will be amazed at how much you enjoy the holiday and all that goes into making it a great time of year.
thanks for visiting my blog
Heather said…
This is only my second year doing this an di had so much fun last year.
Georgina said…
ooh this is going to be fun huh! I love your cover
jay670120 said…
ts my first year doing this too xxxx Dont know why i signed i just had to see what all the fuss was about i expect . hope it gets me into the xmas spirit xxx

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