a T shirt quilt

This is my new best friend! Sta-flow liquid starch! i am in love with it. SOOOO much better than spray starch and yet so hard to find! good for many things...but especially helpful if you are making a T shirt quilt.

My Cousin's hub was killed about three years ago in a car wreck leaving her with a 6month old. Well, that "baby" just turned three and I was so honored to be a part of the most amazing gift ever! My darling cousin saved a number of her late hub's T shirts in hopes of one day having a quilt made for their son! *pick me*choose me*I want to do it* PLEASE****

so, I was trusted, and got the bag of shirts back during the Summer. I started looking around online because i knew this had to be the most amazing T shirt quilt EVER! I found some really nice, and IMO not so nice, stuff out there. The most helpful was This site. I loved what she was doing and OH MY she had a book! Well i ordered that baby and then.....

used a lot of her ideas with a few of mine and ended up with this drawing....

and all this MATH to do (no one told me there'd be math!), and then something that looked like this...

and finally something that started to resemble a QUILT!

Here is where the liquid starch comes in...when i decided what size i wanted the "squares" i rough cut them and then put them into a bowl of undiluted liquid starch! One they had soaked it up, i wrung them out with my hands and then popped them in my dryer with a DRY towel.

When they came out, i ironed them and then cut them to size. I then proceeded with the quilty goodness as directed in the fab book I bought Here.

And this my friends is the finished product! Isn't it amazing? and he loved it....i wish i had a pic of him with it to show you....maybe i can snag one...I hope she won't mind!


Mimi_7 said…
What a blessing to this sweet boy... This really helps me to see how to work on mine :)

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