
I am about to start a re-do on my bed and bath room. I have been looking for several things for my house since the Christmas decor came down and working on Valentine's decorations...posts on that to come soon!
I found, well i guess my BFF found, these FAB paintings at the thrift store today...but decided she didn't want to spend the $$ on them. {I've recently blogged about how our thrift store's prices have gotten insane!} When she showed them to me, i fell in love! I also realized that they had a YELLOW tag and that today yellow tags were 50% off! So, i was able to score them both for $6.88! yes! She didn't even make me fight her for them! not THAT"S a true friend!


Crafty Sisters said…
Oooh, those will be fun to redo. I agree, the thrift store prices almost kill me. It's nice to see that you bought them for a bargain.

What a great find! I would rather shop at a thrift store than a bix box retailer anyday. These are such a pretty unique find.

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