Meet my new friend!

Here is my new friend....Violet Dashwood! My Bff and i made her just a week or two ago! she is a combo of us both...Red&Blue! {notice her groovy hair} Here she is posing with some of our latest thrift store finds! {after some glue and several coats of spray paint to spiff them up!}
I have to say that she is super groovy and even has her own FB page! If you want to be her friend, look her up, she' love to get to know you!

When we were at the thrift store...we saw this chicken.. perched on a shelf in the thrift store. NOT an antique store, or consignment shop; the THRIFT store in all its nastiness....and it was taped together with packing tape; to keep it from separating i suppose. The one in the picture above seems a bit iridescent, but this one was not. Just that amber was marked $74.95!!!!! Are you kidding me?!?!?!? they also had a clear one marked about $12. Seriously? I've looked online and seen them in the $20-$30 range depending on the glass they are made of, but they are from antique stores, etc. Not filthy and surrounded by packing tape!

I also saw something VERY similar to this....which is currently listed in Etsy for $12.50...was marked $19.95!!! again at the THRIFT STORE! not to mention that several things were spotted from Dollar Tree marked WaY over a dollar! WHAT are these people thinking?