Valentine's .....sigh.

well, here i am in my first ever linky party! the Valentin's Mantel Linky Party to be exact! Sponsored by The stories of A to Z and her wonderful self! Enough's my Mantle...
That cute little lion is Braveheart, be sure to wave hello to him! {yes, i am thirysomething and i play with Webkinz!} Those darling little topiaries on the left I made several years ago and you can find a tutorial for them here. The hearts and bow I've added to my candles are all Christmas clearance I've picked up in the past! gotta love that, right?

Speaking of Christmas Clearance, this wreath on my front door is also made from stuff I found at JoAnn a few weeks ago at 90% off! go me!!!!

Here is my Buffet that sits in my entryway. Again, mostly Christmas Clearance, including the Pink Pears {LOVE THEM!} and the red hots {TEN cents a bag!} Yes, more webkinz, because what says Valentine's more than pink poodles????

Here's a close up....scored that Cupid at the Thrift store for $1.50 and painted him! made those hurricane with some inspiration from about a dozen tutorials all over the web. Search, i am sure you can find one!

These conversation heart bowls are a hand me down from my mom who won them at Bunco or something and didn't use them and that darling printable....yeah feeling bad about now....i can't remember where I found it! If it's yours. let me know and i'll link you up! {$1 thrift store frame!}

Here are some more shots of Valentine goodness....

{LOVE sign and mailbox from Target....I decorated the mail box a few years back} Love is definitely busting out all over my house! I have another wreath i made from Christmas Clearance that I will show tomorrow! come back!
linking up here at the party:


Hi Cyndi, thanks for stopping by my blog! Your mantle is so beautiful, and so is your buffet!
lesa said…
Very cute! Both spots look very nice. I especially love the red hots. I'm going to have to get me some to put in a few jars..
Shannan Martin said…
Love that pretty, ruffly wreath!
arg said…
It's all wonderful! I especially love the pink pears and the fab white wreath. Love is surely in the air at your house!
Very cute! I love all the sparkly : )
MamaDrama77 said…
ACK! I am so behind on reading your blog! And you have been up to all kinds of craftiness!!!!

Beautiful job!

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