the Birthday...

ok, now for the bday hoopla is the pin the nose on the clown game that we made thanks to my friend who was able to print this out for us....

here's the bean bag toss we made...isn't it cute? my DD kept insisting that the clown's face shouldn't be white...but she finally conceded!

Here are my clown cupcakes. They didn't turn out quite as good as i expected, but hey..i get credit for trying to pipe little frosting clown bodies don't i?

The pennant banner i sewed...i was super happy about the way this turned out..It makes me happy, i wish i could leave it up always!

Here is the "spread"...cupcakes, ice cream, mini corn dogs, peanuts and popcorn!

Remember that bandanna i showed you a few days ago...well here are the pants that i turned them into. I think they are sooo cute. I tried to stamp the clown from her invitation on her shirt..but even though i tried to heat set the SU! craft came out when i washed it. BOO!

Here's the yard all decked out with balloons and crepe paper streamers. My mom use to work for a balloon place, so we made the columns ourselves...i think they were very festive.

We put in a lot of work for kids' birthdays around here. we start planning early and i think the kids really had a great time! Everything was so fun and festive! Now i can try to catch my breath and relax a bit. I have also been working on some Teacher gifts for the end of the year...I'll post those in a day or two. Hope you had a good weekend! TFL.




MamaDrama77 said…
Great merciful Aunt Tilly. Is there anything you DIDN'T make by HAND? I'm suddenly feeling very generic about Connor's upcoming monster party ...we're just planning to drink green punch, eat some gummy worms and play in the sprinkler...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE the pennant, and the clown pants, and the cute little touches everywhere!

And I love your hat.
Rochelle W said…
What a fun party. I love everything. looks like a great time.
Unknown said…
This is so wonderful, can you say party planner anyone? This is a great birthday you have given your DD, so many wonderful memories.
cyndi said…
in answer to mamadrama77...i DID NOT make the lovely came from the dollar tree! and i didnt make the mini corn dogs either!
Becky G said…
Wow! What a great mom you are! You made all that stuff? It's all fantastic! I love the clown on the bean bag toss!
So glad you visited my site so I could find yours. I will be back and if you don't mind, I'd like to add you to my blogroll. Just let me know!


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