
well, DH got the laptop back up and running..but i feel like i am working with a time bomb..and one I'd rather have replaced! I did end up loosing some pictures..but they were not that big of a deal. I am sad though. Also, the ones i have on Snapfish...are VERY expensive to get a CD of! YIKES! I was shocked. These ARE after all MY PICTURES! grumble.
so...the pictures i was planning to use for my blog are on snapfish and i can't get them back...which totally sucks IMO because I uploaded them to snapfish..i ought to be able to download them too! grrrrrrrrrr!
Hope you are having a good week. My DD bday was yesterday and it went well...maybe i will share that with you later.



MamaDrama77 said…
Go with next time. You can upload your photos, resize them, edit, add text, tons of features...and you can save your work to your hard drive. Free.

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