Yes, this is Snow!

OK, so here is my sweet little family in the snow today. I know all of you who actually GET SNOW are totally laughing at us, but we live in ALABAMA!!! We were actually supposed to get 2-6 inches but this is all we got. We spent the night with my parents so that they could be with the kids in the snow. Maybe one day we will actually take the kids where there is real snow. hope you all are having a great weekend!


Unknown said…
Got snow? We have cold, very cold here today. My DH's car would not start so he took my new van today to work, I got to stay in where it is warm and cozy! You guys look so cute!
Traveling Mama said…
Don't you just love the concept of snow in the south? It's hysterical how much people get upset by an inch or two! (I grew up in Atlanta.) Looks beautiful, though!

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