Day 1

Well, my DH 'bought' me an early Christmas gift. It's the Journal your Christmas class! and today is the first day! Of course i am super excited and the lovely thing is...its like opening a gift each and every day when i check my email and see the daily prompt from Shimelle!
I am not really scrapping as i go. My focus this year is to just journal..of course i will have to make it look all spiffy! But to just slow down and record the feelings of Christmas. To notice them, and appreciate them. I may take some photos of my journal and post them as i go along, though don't expect anything fancy. This is stress free memory making!
Even if i only write two sentences each day...i will write something in my journal. maybe next year i will make it into a bigger thing, or maybe i will realize that what i am doing is just perfect!
It's not too late to join the is very affordable! Jump in and join the fun!
but always remember to take time, and enjoy this Christmas!


Marilyn Nimmo said…
Cyndi, you left a wonderful comment on my blog about the page I made. Thank you for sharing with me that you too had battled depression and anxiety. I haven't seen your page yet, but I DO love the journal you will be using. You are right in that even if we do no more than write a couple of sentences and take the time to appreciate the holidays, then this will have been a huge success. Thanks for the encouragement.

Love your blog and especially your name--TOO cute!!!

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